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Pitra Paksha 2024 Important Dates and Rules You Need to Follow dos and don’ts

Pitra Paksha is starting on 17th september, which is alternatively identified as Shradh or the James Name, has profound spiritual repercussion in Hindus’ life (Bhadrapada In Hindu Calendar). It is that point of time when individuals acknowledge their forbearers and obtain favors through certain rites. The period lasts for 15 days during lunar month of Bhadrapada (that falls between September and October) and serves as suitable time for individuals to show gratitude to those who lived before them. This is because these ceremonies have been tailored to nurture and cleanse these departed souls so that they get tranquility and wealth in the afterlife journey, since the soul is everlasting.

Pitra Paksha 2024 Important Dates and Rules You Need to Follow to ensure you are rewarded by your ancestors’ blessings according to tradition; therefore making it more likely for you to observe this ancient sacred period.

What do you think about Pitra Paksha?

Pitra Paksha is the time of honoring our forefathers for 15 days. During this time different Hindu beliefs say that during this time the souls come to earth from the hereafter in order to receive offerings from their descendants. Such as Tarpan (offering water), Pind Daan benefits (offering rice balls) and Brahman Bhoj (feeding Brahmins) are carried out as a sign of respect. It is believed that these acts calm down our ancestors so they may rest peacefully and attain moksha.

Why Should We Observe Pitra Paksha?

The main idea behind Pitra Paksha is paying off our ancestral debt we owe them who were before us (Pitra Rina). Not performing these rituals may result into Pitra Dosh according to scriptures which is a karmic imbalance causing misfortunes, obstacles and difficulties in life. This is why observing pitra paksha is important not only because it enables us to pacify our forebears but also to cleanse karmic debts and thereby usher in peace and prosperity into our lives.

Important Dates for Pitra Paksha 2024

Pitra Paksha usually commences on the Bhadrapada month’s Purnima Tithi (Full Moon) which spans until Amavasya (New Moon), popularly known as Sarvapitri Amavasya or Mahalaya Amavasya. Every day has its importance depending on the Tithi (lunar day), different memories can be honored on each Tithi. Here are some crucial dates for Pitra Paksha in 2024:

1. Purnima Shradh (Full Moon):
Date: September 17, 2024
The first day of Pitr Paksha is considered auspicious for carrying out Shradh rituals for ancestors who died on FMDs (Full Moon Days), or for those whose Tithi is unknown.

2. Pratipada Shradh:
Date: September 18, 2024
Shradh is performed on this day for the departed ones who died on Pratipada Tithi or the first day of lunar fortnight.

3. Dwitiya and Tritiya Shradh:
Date: September 19, 2024
Appropriate to perform Shradhs for ancestors who left this life on Dwitiya (the second day) or Tritiya (the third day).

4. Chaturthi Shradh:
Date: September 20, 2024
In order to honour our departed forefathers who died in fourth lunar day of fortnight, Chaturthi Shradh is done.

5. Panchami Shradh:
Date: September 21, 2024
Panchami Shradh comes on the day five which is dedicated to performing rites on behalf of ancestors who are deceased on the fifth lunar day also known as Panchami Tithi.

6. hashthi Shradh:
Date: September 22, 2024
The ancestors that left us on the Shashthi Tithi are honored by doing this today.

7. Saptami Shradh:
Date: September 23, 2024
The seventh day is dedicated to performing Shradh for those who left on Saptami.

8. Ashtami Shradh:
Date: September 24, 2024
Ashtami Shradh is for the ancestors who passed away on the eighth day of the lunar fortnight.

9. Navami Shradh:
Date: September 25, 2024
This day is very important as far as carryout Shradh ceremonies are concerned, especially when it comes to female ancestors such as mothers and grandmothers that died during Navami.

10. Dashami Shradh:

Date: September 26, 2024
This day honors those who died on Dashami (the tenth day), when Shradh is offered.

11. Ekadashi Shradh:

Date: September 27, 2024
This day is dedicated to the ancestors who died on Ekadashi, therefore it is named as Ekadashi Shradh.

12. Dwadashi Shradh:

Date: September 28, 2024
It is celebrated on the twelfth day since Dwadashi is meant for offering shradh to those who have passed away on that day.

13. Trayodashi Shradh:

Date: September 29, 2024
Trayodashi Shradh is a ritual held for ancestors that formerly existed in the Trayodashi days or even before that.

14.  Chaturdashi Shradh:
Date: September 30, 2024.
Chaturdashi Shradh is performed for those who have passed away due to sudden accidental death or otherwise known as untimely deaths. Special offerings and prayers are made for their peace and liberation.

15. Sarvapitri Amavasya (Mahalaya Amavasya):
Date: October 1, 2024.
This is the last and most important day of Pitr Paksha. In case you don’t know the exact Tithi when someone died, you can do Shradh on this day for all your ancestors. It’s a day for honoring our forefathers, no matter what day they died.

The utmost importance lies in conducting the rituals of Pitr Paksha with faith and devotion, however, there are also specific regulations and instructions regarding the way these ceremonies must be performed for them to be successful and make the departed souls rest in peace. Therefore, some key points should be remembered:

1. Fasting and simplicity is seen
A person doing the rites should live a simple life during Pitru Paksha, which is why. Most people partake in fasting or eat restricted meals, refraining from eating onions, garlic, meat and consuming alcohol among others. There is an emphasis on purity and devotion hence no time for indulgent or materialistic activities during this period.

2. Acting at the Appropriate Moment
The rituals and offerings must be done at the right time, usually in the morning or early afternoon. Morning hours are considered suitable for contacting the Spiritual impact of Pitra Paksha realm and enabling ancestors to receive offerings in the best way possible.

3. Offering Meals to Brahmins and the Less Fortunate

One of the most significant aspects of Shradh is feeding Brahmins and the poor. Brahmins are the ancestors’ representatives, and by catering for them with food, clothing, or even donations one is actually taking care of one’s forefathers. Furthermore, giving to the needy during Pitr Paksha period is also regarded as beneficial since it makes the ghosts happy.

4. Offering to Crows and Animal
Feeding crows during Shradh are an essential part of Pitra Paksha rituals. In Hindu mythology, crows are seen as the messengers of Yama, the god of death and thus, represent ancestors in general. It is said that if one offers food to a crow, he will make sure that his offering will reach the spirit of his dead ones or of others who wish from their side to feed some food for their souls there within. Besides this it is a pious act that calls for blessings from our forebears to feed animals like cows and dogs.

5. Not Going to Parties and Cheerful Occasions
The time of Pitra Paksha, is a moment for self-examination, thankfulness and devotion to one’s last relatives passed on. Thus it is good not to hold festivities, ceremonies or any other joyous situations during those times. As this period requires an engagement in the world of God and a communion with ancestors, let there be lesser activities celebrated among people who want to observe this sacred season in peace.

6. No Haircuts and Shaving
You have to avoid cutting your hair, shaving, or anything else that has to do with grooming during Pitra Paksha for the purpose of simplicity and faithfulness. This goes hand in hand with renouncing all forms of elitism and vanity while encouraging individuals to face their spiritual issues.

7. Don Traditional, Neat Garbs
While executing the Shradh ceremonies, wearing traditional, clean and plain clothes is a necessity. The common attire includes white garments which stand for peace and cleanliness. So refrain from wearing flashy or bright colored clothes during this time.

8. Natural and Unspoilt Products are utilized
The substances that are incorporated into rituals, Tarpan or Pind Daan offerings should always be fresh and of prime quality. For example, God’s ancestors may need supreme attention in Tarpan or Pind Daan offerings to indicate respectfulness and devotion.

The Spiritual Impact of Following These Rules

By observing the important dates and following the rules of Pitra Paksha, you open the door to ancestral blessings. Performing these rituals brings peace to the souls of your departed loved ones.

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